

In 1976 Tito and Macho were members of the RCA Rockmasters, a crew of Puerto Rican teenagers based near the Tremont section of the Bronx around 180th street and Southern Boulevard.  Like many crews during the period, RCA started as a group of fun-loving disco dancers.  Unfortunately, as the group got larger, they began acting more like a street gang.  Tito and macho were not comfortable being in a gang, so they convinced several members to quit RCA and form their own crew.  "One night we all went to Belmont Park," said Tito.  "We made a big pile with our RCA sweatshirts and burned them.  Then we started thinking about a new name.  I said, 'how about "Rockwell"?'  Everybody liked that, so we became the Rockwell Association".
            The group included Willie, Carlos, Victor, Hector, Pops, Rubberband, George, and Shorty.  They were a Puerto Rican crew when communication between blacks and Puerto Ricans was somewhat limited.  Both groups were into music and dance, both threw block parties, but the similarities stopped there.  Puerto Ricans played disco music, while blacks played hard-core funk.  Puerto Ricans dressed in flower-print shirts and pointy-toe shoes and danced the Hustle, while blacks wore bell-bottoms and sneakers while breakdancing.  However, around 1977, a Puerto Rican deejay named Charlie Chase helped bring about a merger of the two styles.
"From 1974 to 1977 I was in a band at Alfred E. Smith High School", said Charlie Chase.  But then I got interested in deejaying.  There was a crew around my house called the Monterey Crew.  They were the first crew that I saw getting into the b-boy style.  They didn't do any fancy cutting with their music, but they played 'Just Begun.'  So, I started doing a little degassing.  My friends would say, 'Okay Charlie, here's your turn to play your black music,' and I would get fifteen minutes to do my thing.  When I was on the set, everybody would dance and my friends couldn't understand why."
  Willie Will was 16 at the time and had just learned to break dance.  "Pops taught me," he said, referring to a friend a year younger than himself.  "He learned from the Zulus.  They had one dancer
named Chopper who was real good.  Breaking was like a hobby.  We'd go into the hallway and practice until three or four in the morning.  Get drunk. Fight.  There was nothing else to do.  I don't know where the spinning came from, but it was out in 1976.  The Zulus had footwork, headspins, backspins.  We used to break on the concrete in Belmont Park.  If you did a backspin, you'd only spin around once or twice.  Everybody was in crews and the crews would break against each other.  First the whole crew would dance and then the best two from each crew would go down".
            After developing the dance for over five years, many blacks grew tired of breaking and had stopped by 1978.  Some got into the Hustle or the Freak.  Others did the Electric Boogie, a robotic mimelike dance popular in California and down South.  However, the Puerto Ricans were just getting breaking and had no intentions of giving it up.  Saint Martin's, a Catholic Church located on Crotona Avenue, began sponsoring breaking battles in their gymnasium with the local priests acting as judges.  Well-known crews participating in the battles included The Disco Kids (TDK), the Apache Crew, Star Child La Rock, and TBB.

Malo also pres of TCT (The Crazy Teens crew graff crew from tha 70s)

Shorty (First Godfather of rockwell assoc.) (according to Rubberband)

tito and macho were members of RCA Rockmasters in1976 a puerto rican crew near tha tremont section of tha bronx on 180th ST. on South Blvd which later became Rockwell Association

Rockwell Association also gave birth to Floor Masters Tops by giving spanky tha crew name !

Rubberband - started in areas like 182st Belmont Ave, 180 and Crotona Ave. and Aurther Ave.

Willie Will (Rockwell assoc.) .....1978 march 23rd a crew battle between Rockwell assoc. vs CC crew in a last man standing crew battle with willie will vs. spy....wil being tha winner!(told by rubberband)

St. Martin Tours Of Halls on Crotona Ave in The Bronx (crews hangout spot)

Rockwell Association also gave birth to Floor Masters Tops by giving spanky tha crew name !

Rockwell Association. They hung out around 83rd st. & Amsterdam, I lived on 97th & Amsterdam
- Ken Swift (Young City Boys, IBM, Rock Steady Crew).

RockWell Association
rubberband, hector, and carlos

Rubberband - Oldschool B-Boy from the from where it all started in the 1970's DaBronx! Number one breakdance Crew, but the truth is all where number one who shared in the love of the Hip Hop world of Dance, DJ, Rap, Graffiti and MC! For me it all started in areas like 182st Belmont Ave, 180 and Crotona Ave. and Aurther Ave. With Crews like TBB, TDK, STARCHID LA ROCK, CC CREW, And our crew of ROCKWELL ASSOCIATION, AKA RWA then later on with Rocksteady Crew who carried B-boying to another level in the 1980's.

Rockwell Association
malo also president of TCT (The Crazy Teens crew graff crew from tha 70s)

Rockwell Association

Malo also president of TCT (The Crazy Teens crew graff crew from tha 70s)

Rockwell association
Willie Will (Rockwell assoc.) .....1978 march 23rd a crew battle between Rockwell assoc. vs CC crew in a last man standing
crew battle with willie will vs. spy....wil being tha winner!
(told by rubberband)

RockWell Association
crew membership card
Rockwell Association

Rockwell Association
Bboy Ramon
Rockwell Association
bboy freddy....patty and jeri's brother

Rockwell association
started in areas like 182st Belmont Ave, 180 and Crotona Ave. and Aurther Ave
Rockwell association
carlos - rock in peace

Rockwell association
Willie Will (Rockwell assoc.) .....1978 march 23rd a crew battle between Rockwell assoc. vs CC crew in a last man standing
crew battle with willie will vs. spy....wil being tha winner!
(told by rubberband

Rockwell Association
malo also president of TCT (The Crazy Teens crew graff crew from tha 70s)

Rockwell Association in front of St. Martin Tours Of Halls on Crotona Ave in The Bronx (crews hangout spot)
Rockwell Association

Victor - doing headspins at Saint martins Gym

Rockwell association
carlos - rock in peace

RockWell Association
ckt, macho, presidents


  1. Hey Mike Rubberband here. I tried calling you, but you changed your number.

  2. Hey Mike Rubberband here. I tried calling you, but you changed your number.

  3. This is Iris Ramos Carlos Ramos Oldest Sister Melvins Wife & i want to know how in hell did u have these pics of My Family of My old apartment with out My & My Family Permission. As far as i know My Sister Maite has these Pictures Posted in her FB Did U steal These Pictures from her? Well who ever u is u wont havw any problems going to court and answering y ru posting our pics in a pg w/out family concent.

  4. This is Iris Ramos Carlos Ramos Oldest Sister Melvins Wife & i want to know how in hell did u have these pics of My Family of My old apartment with out My & My Family Permission. As far as i know My Sister Maite has these Pictures Posted in her FB Did U steal These Pictures from her? Well who ever u is u wont havw any problems going to court and answering y ru posting our pics in a pg w/out family concent.

  5. I'm very serious:
    I want to know why you making me suffer.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Tu eres un diablo no tienes corazon cabron. Con cada dia que Pase tu vas a sufre mejor vas al infrerno 👌.

    1. Iris don't worry we can track him by letting the courts send a trace who ever he is is gonna get sued for taking our pictures w/out consent

  8. Tu eres un diablo no tienes corazon cabron. Con cada dia que Pase tu vas a sufre mejor vas al infrerno 👌.

    1. Calma, que no es para tanto.

    2. No es pa tanto? We see that's y he's anonymous Porque es un Pendejo

  9. Hello i am looking to get in contact with the one named rubberband. Could someone (or himself) please send me an email. Thank you very much. Stay blessed everyone! bboycesa@hotmail.com

  10. I remember the Rockwells ..a few of them came to NOGA a graffiti club in the Bronx and they use to break dance for markers …there was no BOGARTING ..ALLOWED ..they danced for markers N jackets …1977 …or your NAME …if you lost you had your name taken …
