
Heather Hunter By Keo X Men

By @keo_xmen "There were lots of females that wrote graffiti with the XMEN Crew in the early 80's but none as well known as her. MISS45, Ft. Greene Brooklyn. Later she worked at the infamous Latin Quarters in the coat check, a true thoroughbred. Some of you may know her as Heather Hunter, a pioneer in the Adult Film industry, but I knew her before all that, back when she had braces. I've seen her battle dudes dancing, emceeing, all that. Years later, when she came out with an album, I remember dudes talking caca like "Oh, why these porno chicks wanna try to rhyme now?" and I was like "If you only knew, Heather is more Hip-Hop than you will ever be..."By @keo_xmen "There were lots of females that wrote with the XMEN Crew in the early 80's but none as well known as her. MISS45, Ft. Greene Brooklyn. Later she worked at the infamous Latin Quarters in the coat check, a true thoroughbred. Some of you may know her as Heather Hunter, a pioneer in the Adult Film industry, but I knew her before all that, back when she had braces. I've seen her battle dudes dancing, emceeing, all that. Years later, when she came out with an album, I remember dudes talking caca like "Oh, why these porno chicks wanna try to rhyme now?" and I was like "If you only knew, Heather is more Hip-Hop than you will ever be..."

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